Monday, March 19, 2012

Sim City in Real Life

Imagine a website where you could view a city like you do in Google Earth, but the streets were coloured based on traffic congestion like in Sim City.

I'm reading a book called Intelligent Infrastructure. Real-time traffic visualizations like this might be possible with the algorithms the book discusses. The math seems pretty complicated so far, so I won't pretend to understand the details yet, but the hand-waving notion of it is intriguing.

Traffic Congestion by Colour
The sensors gather data and the neural networks "learn" what "good" and "bad" traffic look like. They could have several increments and colour the road based on these ratings. The user could see the colours in real time (maybe updated every 30 seconds or so). It could be a neat tool for commuters and for city governments alike. It could even be used to detect accidents and automatically send emergency crews. Imagine a smarter city that orders services for its own roads.

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